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Embrace the Wild

Embrace the Wild is a novel community conservation framework that aims to empower all members of society to create resilient communities that helps all of the living things within them to flourish. The program was developed by 7 youth volunteers located across 6 continents, under the guidance of Dr Jane Goodall (DBE, UN Messenger for Peace) and endorsement of Harry Duke of Sussex, at Jane Goodall’s 2019 Global Leadership Gathering at Windsor Castle.

Watch the Embrace the Wild team share our project with Harry, Duke of Sussex at 1:02.

Embrace the Wild adopts principles of social justice, conservation science and project-based learning, to bring tangible benefits to animals, people and the environment. It is a place-based framework which offers over 2 dozen projects for participants to choose from, including lizard lounges, insect houses and hotels, watering stations, pollinator and vegetable gardens and hibernaculums. There are also detailed instructions for fun and educational outdoors learning experiences which include mapping habitats around you, being a ‘wildlife detective’ and identifying animal tracks and traces, as well as monitoring any impacts of projects on wildlife populations.

Watch the Embrace the Wild program trailer

Keep an eye out for our graphically designed Embrace the Wild Guidebook for schools and community groups, available for download in 2021!